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R-munsell (V) Utilities for using Munsell colours
R-mvtnorm (V) Multivariate normal and t distributions
R-nloptr (V) R interface to NLopt
R-nortest (V) Tests for normality
R-numDeriv (V) Accurate numerical derivatives
R-openxlsx (V) Read, write and edit XLSX files
R-pbdZMQ (V) Interface to ZeroMQ
R-pbkrtest (V) Parametric bootstrap & Kenward Roger based methods for mixed model comparison
R-PHYLOGR (V) Functions for phylogenetically based statistical analyses
R-pillar (V) Coloured formatting for columns
R-pixmap (V) Functions for manipulations of bitmaps with R
R-pkgconfig (V) Private configuration for R packages
R-plogr (V) The 'plog' C++ logging library
R-plyr (V) Tools for splitting, applying and combining data
R-poweRlaw (V) Analysis of heavy tailed distributions
R-prettyunits (V) Pretty, human readable formatting of quantities
R-prob (V) Elementary probability on finite sample spaces
R-progress (V) Terminal progress bars
R-proto (V) Prototype object-based programming
R-quadprog (V) Functions to solve quadratic programming problems
R-quantmod (V) Quantitative financial modelling framework
R-quantreg (V) Quantile regression
R-R2HTML (V) HTML exportation for R objects
R-R6 (V) Encapsulated classes with reference semantics
R-RandomFields (V) Simulation and analysis of random fields
R-RandomFieldsUtils (V) Utilities for the simulation and analysis of random fields
R-randomForest (V) Breiman and Cutler's Random Forests for Classification and Regression
R-RArcInfo (V) Functions to import data from Arc/Info V7.x binary coverages
R-Rcmdr (V) Platform-independent basic-statistics GUI for R
R-RcmdrMisc (V) R Commander miscellaneous functions
R-RColorBrewer (V) ColorBrewer palettes
R-Rcpp (V) Seamless R and C++ integration
R-RcppArmadillo (V) Rcpp integration for the Armadillo templated linear algebra library
R-RcppEigen (V) Rcpp integration for the Eigen templated linear algebra library
R-readr (V) Read rectangular text data
R-readstata13 (V) Import 'Stata' data files
R-readxl (V) Read Excel files
R-relimp (V) Relative contribution of effects in a regression model
R-rematch (V) Match regular expressions with a nicer API
R-repr (V) Serializable representations
R-reshape2 (V) Flexibly reshape data: a reboot of the reshape package
R-rio (V) Swiss-army knife for data I/O
R-rlang (V) Functions for base types and core R and 'Tidyverse' features
R-RNetCDF (V) Interface to NetCDF datasets
R-RPostgreSQL (V) R interface to the PostgreSQL database system
R-RSQLite (V) 'SQLite' interface for R
R-rstudioapi (V) Safely access the RStudio API
R-sandwich (V) Robust covariance matrix estimators
R-scales (V) Scale functions for visualization
R-sgeostat (V) Object-oriented framework for geostatistical modeling in S+
R-shapefiles (V) Read and write ESRI shapefiles
R-sourcetools (V) Tools for reading, tokenizing and parsing R code
R-sp (V) Classes and methods for spatial data
R-spacetime (V) Classes and methods for spatio-temporal data
R-SparseM (V) Sparse linear algebra
R-splancs (V) Spatial and space-time point pattern analysis
R-sqldf (V) Manipulate R data frames using SQL
R-stabledist (V) Stable distribution functions
R-statmod (V) Statistical modeling
R-stringi (V) Character string processing facilities
R-stringr (V) Simple, consistent wrappers for common string operations
R-survey (V) Analysis of complex survey samples
R-tcltk2 (V) Tcl/Tk additions
R-tibble (V) Simple data frames
R-timeDate (V) Chronological and calendar objects
R-timeSeries (V) Financial time series objects
R-tseries (V) Time series analysis and computational finance
R-TTR (V) Technical trading rules
R-urca (V) Unit root and cointegration tests for time series data
R-utf8 (V) Unicode text processing
R-uuid (V) Tools for generating and handling of UUIDs
R-vctrs (V) Vector helpers
R-VGAM (V) Vector generalized linear and additive models
R-viridis (V) Default color maps from 'matplotlib'
R-viridisLite (V) Default color maps from 'matplotlib' (lite version)
R-withr (V) Run code 'with' temporarily modified global state
R-xfun (V) Miscellaneous functions by 'Yihui Xie'
R-XML (V) Tools for parsing and generating XML within R
R-xtable (V) Export tables to LaTeX or HTML
R-xts (V) eXtensible Time Series
R-yaml (V) Methods to convert R data to YAML and back
R-zeallot (V) Multiple, unpacking, and destructuring assignment
R-zip (V) Cross-platform 'zip' compression
R-zoo (V) S3 infrastructure for regular and irregular time series